General Information
Here you can find out about how we run things at Highway Farm Activity Centre. We need your help to keep this organisation running as smoothly as possible!
If you would like a place for your child at our pre-school, please email Jane on We hold an open afternoon each term for prospective parents. If you would like to attend an open afternoon please email for the next date.
07798 630481
Holiday Playschemes
Holiday Club
A holiday play scheme for children 3-11 yrs. During school holidays we run fun, friendly and exciting activities for children. We run lots of activities such as Camp Fire Cooking, outdoor games, Survival, sports, adventure play, role play, Den Building, Whittling, Mud and water play, and many more. staff organise activities based around the childrens interests. In the afternoons we call it our "Free Range Children" session. Children choose completely the activities they wish to do and staff will facilitate their ideas and requests. If children just want to play, there is the acre and a half space that offers safe, good old fashioned play opportunities to allow children- to be children.
- ALL DAY 8.30-5.30pm £45
- HALF DAY 8.30-1pm or 1pm to 5.30pm £25
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking for all holiday club sessions. Places are offered on a first come, first served basis but priority is given to children who attend our pre-school.
Kit list for days at the Centre
All children should wear appropriate clothing to the days forecast. Children should always attend the Centre in old clothes. Alot of what we do involves the children getting wet, muddy or sometimes damage to clothing through outdoor play. Children should bring a FULL spare change of clothes and a carrier bag to put wet things in.
Sun cream, wellies, old trainers, water proofs, coat, hat, gloves, sun hat, (depending on weather)
Children attending Little Explorers Pre-school can borrow our all in one suits on a daily basis if they do not have their own.
Our famous saying that we believe strongly in is " There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!".
Food and drink
At the Centre we believe strongly in a healthy life style. Lots of fresh air, physical activity and a balanced diet. We are part of the Healthy Early Years program and encourage children to be healthy.
If children are attending a morning session or a full day they should bring a packed lunch. All children should bring a drink. We do ask for them to bring water or fruit juice but, this is at your discreation. We provide a selection of snacks including fruit and vegetables and there is always water to top up on.
Payments and Bookings
We have tried to make paying for your sessions as easy as possible. We accexpt the following methods:~
Card payments
Childcare vouchers
Direct payments
We no longer take cheques (sorry)
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required for all holiday club bookings
Holiday club bookings should be made by emailing Jane at
24 hours notice is required for all holiday club cancellations. Cancellations should be made by phone, email or in person. If specified notice is not given then full payment will still be required.